Thursday, March 22, 2012

Claire - 6 Weeks!

Every one always tells you "how fast it goes" when you have a newborn. I've been guilty of saying this to other people myself.  You'd think that when it's your second time around, you would be prepared for how fast time really does fly and how fast they get so big...  you've done this before, right? You should know that it feels like just yesterday you were still pregnant and now you have an almost 2 year old.

Well, like so many other things, you forget and boom, all the sudden your little newborn is 6 weeks old.  Sigh.

Claire still looks so much like Cason and they seem to be about the same size.  Every day I think to myself... why is this little boy wearing girl clothes.  It's not that she looks like a boy to the average person, just that she looks so much like Cason.

I weighed her this week and think she's pushing 12 lbs but it's a very non exact process of weighing myself holding her and comparing to weighing myself alone... on our scale that gives you a different reading each time you step on it.

At 6 weeks, Claire is:
  • Holding her head up really well
  • Sleeping in 6 hour stretches most nights
  • Sleeping in her room (we moved her up about a week and a half ago, just after 4 weeks)
  • Eating really well -- every 2-3 hours and having a couple of bottles.
  • Still very gassy and with a little reflux. We do lots of laundry.
  • Starting to be awake and alert a lot more
  • Wearing all 0-3 month clothes (no newborn anymore)
Not only is it going so fast (I go back to work in 6 weeks??? Boo) but I definitely don't get to soak it all in.  That said, I'm also loving the extra time I'm spending with Cason since he stays home with us 3 days a week.

Here is the rest of the photo shoot... with big brother of course

Cason loves to hug (and try to pick up) Claire.  I have to keep her out of his reach if I'm not right there.  I turned my back for two seconds the other day and he was trying to take her out of the bouncy seat.  Doesn't help that he's a master at buckling and unbuckling.

Isn't this just the cutest thing?  Love these two so much!

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