Thursday, March 1, 2012

Claire - 3 Weeks Old

Claire is 3 weeks old today.  She is filling out and is about to outgrow some of her newborn clothes.

It's crazy how much she looks like Cason.  I've decided she needs to wear bows more often so she looks more like a girl!  :)

She's a good eater most of the time but is still eating very often during the day. Sometimes every hour but most of the time every 2 hours.  At night, we get a couple of 3 hour stretches or one 4 hour stretch followed by a 3 hour stretch if we are lucky.  The reflux is manageable, she's just really gassy.  We aren't dealing with major throw ups every day but we do still have them.  But the gas causes her to be so grunty which is especially hard to deal with in the middle of the night.

She's still sleeping in our room.  We want to move her but with the lack of routine, frequency of feedings, middle of the night spit ups and worry that she'll wake up Cason, we haven't done it yet.  Hopefully soon... neither one of us (me and Ryan) are getting good sleep.

Cason is really adjusting well and we are doing pretty good with a routine.  He still has to work on being gentle... poor Claire may or may not have been hit with (soft) basketballs or been on the receiving end of a couple of not so soft "love pats".  But all in all, he's doing great.  He says "Baby Sister" and "Baby Sister Claire" a lot and when she cries, he says "Baby Sister crying... [it's] okay Baby Sister".   He's also a really good helper, at least when it comes to diaper changing.  He may have some inner desire to be a trash man because he LOVES to take the dirty diapers to the trash can.  Weirdo!  :)

And Ryan and I are adjusting fairly well too.  We are both tired.  Ryan is super busy at work and sometimes we both feel like we are just going through the motions but we are finding time to enjoy our sweet little girl (and our crazy big boy).  I send Cason to the sitter 2 days a week.  The days that he is home are fun but hard... sometimes I judge my day by the number of times we are in "time out" (since I have to sit with him).  But, I'm getting the hang of it and am really enjoying the extra time with Cason.

The rest of our photo shoot... including some pictures with Cason and Pooh Bear!

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