Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother’s Day

I didn’t expect to be really celebrating Mother’s Day as an actual “Mother” this year.  Mother’s Day fell 2 days after my birthday.  We joked a lot about how we thought my birthday would be pretty miserable… pregnant, fat, tired, uncomfortable and so ready to meet little Cason.   Mother’s Day would probably have been more of the same complaining.  :)

Instead, I celebrated my 29th birthday and my very first Mother’s day with my adorable little man, my wonderful husband and my oldest son (of the canine variety). 

Mother’s day has a new meaning now.  Though I’ve only been a Mom for a little over 3 weeks, I know already what it means to be a mother.  As my body was not just my body for 9 make that 8 months… my life is not just my life anymore.  Especially in these early weeks and months I hold the responsibility of this life in my hands and its an awesome responsibility and amazing gift.  From the morning I jumped out of bed and rushed to check on Cason after he slept for 6 hours to the way he melts my heart when he grips my finger as if he will never let go to all the crazy funny faces he makes as he stretches, wakes up, eats, etc…. I am just so truly blessed to have this happy, healthy baby that arrived 5 weeks early.

Finally being a “Mother” myself, it makes me appreciate my mom and my grandmothers and all the mom’s in my life that much more.  I hope to look back in 29 years and see that I’ve been as wonderful a mother as my Mom.  And with that, I thank my Mom for always being there for me and James, for loving us unconditionally, for letting us make mistakes (and being there to help us pick up the pieces when we did), for encouraging us to follow our dreams, for offering advice (even when we didn’t want to hear it), for being our friend as we have grown older and for a million more reasons… Thank You and Happy Mother’s Day.



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