Friday, August 20, 2010

18 Weeks

I haven’t been able to keep up with weekly pictures or even every-two-weeks pictures.  Four weeks have gone by since the last picture so you’ll definitely see some change!DSC_0063

This was a quick photoshoot since I got such a cute little smile so fast.  Here are a couple of more where Cason is holding hands with Pooh bear. 

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Cason is enjoying his time in the Bumbo more.  He doesn’t immediately lean his head back and will hold it straight up for a couple of minutes.  His chin will slowly fall to his chest as he gets tired but each day he’s stronger and stronger.DSC_0071

We don’t have a roller yet but we are getting close.  We got him to roll over a couple of time last week by propping him up on his elbows.  Really, he was just falling over most of the time.  I have video of this that I’ll post soon… he’d get half way and work really hard to get all the way to his back.  Now, he’s got enough balance to keep himself steady when we prop him up so there is no rolling from Tummy to Back. 

He’s starting to make little attempts to reach for things.  This has lead to half rolls from back to side but he won’t go all the way. DSC_0078DSC_0077  DSC_0080 DSC_0081

And everything involves hands in the mouth.  Not interested in many toys yet, but he loves his hands.

And then all that hard work just wore him out.  Pooh bear is keeping watch over Cason while he sleeps. DSC_0088

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