Wednesday, June 16, 2010

2 Months Old

We celebrated Cason’s 2 month birthday with a little playdate with our friend Parker and his mom Allison.  Parker is 1 year old and was so sweet with Cason.

This time two months ago we were still in awe of the fact that Cason was here so early.  It all happened so fast and nothing has slowed down since.

We go for our 2 month check up (and shots) tomorrow morning.  I am looking forward to hearing what Dr. B has to say about his growth since he’s been gaining weight (as evidenced by his belly and thighs).  I’m not looking forward to the shots but who would be. 

Some of the latest Cason developments… he’s sleeping longer at night!  Two nights in a row of 7+ hours of sleep.  Ryan has the magic touch on that.  For the past week, the nights Ryan puts him to bed he’s slept much longer than the nights that I put him to bed!  I hope this trend continues!!!  He’s also holding his head up better and longer -- especially during any form of “tummy-time”.  He will look all around the room.  He’s kicking and pushing with his legs.  It’s fun to see him “stand” and to watch him scoot himself up our chests with each kick. 

Here are a few shots in his 2 month onesie I made.  He was really into this photoshoot.

DSC_0130 DSC_0133 DSC_0141  DSC_0150

And speaking of those strong legs and his love of kicking, here is a video of how he loves to kick just one leg at a time.  It’s not always the left or the right but it’s always just one.


  1. I am watching this at 2:30 in the morning.. and I am about to wake Kevin up to watch this!

    I love him!


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