Today is Cason’s Two Week Birthday. Sometimes it feels like we were just arriving at the hospital but at the same time it’s hard to imagine life without him (though we can still remember life BEFORE him… like when we used to sleep for 8 hours, go out to eat on a whim, etc…haha). It’s amazing how drastically our lives changed in a matter of 12 hours but we wouldn’t trade him for the world. We spend hours just sitting and staring at him.
He had his two week check up with Dr. B yesterday and everything was great. He weighed 6lbs 10oz and was 20.5 inches long. That’s 2oz less than his birth weight. As a true member of Ryan’s family, he’s already grown an inch. His weight is in the 5th percentile and his height is the 25th. The doctor would have liked to have seen him be back to 6lb 12 oz but wasn’t too concerned and I’m not either. He’s eating good and often so I’m sure he'll start packing on the pounds (okay, ounces) soon.
Here are a few more pictures from our 2 week photo shoot.
Ok Mom, this is BORING
Enough is Enough… he definitely lets me know when he is done with pictures :)
And this one was just too good to pass up.
Those are awesome!